Pollution & Fines

In cases of pollution incidents, C-PANDI immediately alerts the vessel’s P&I Club and obtains as much information as possible from the agent and the Master and all interested parties. The information is then analyzed in such a manner as to trying to mitigate the losses and preserving the owner’s/P&I Club’s rights and interest, – A surveyor is appointed to investigate the cause and extent of the pollution and if possible, taking samples from the vessel’s cargo bunkers and from the oil spill – By our efficient handling of pollution cases, we have been able in many cases to reduce the claims substantially.

Service Description:

1. Incident Management

Incident Investigation

Ascertain facts and circumstances of the incident, instructing and supervising competent surveyors as needed  
Assist Master in dealing with local Authorities  
Take statements from crew and other relevant witnesses  
Collect relevant documentation  
Collect samples of pollutant substance from vessel and affected areas


Ascertain nature of the spill and extent of the affected area, instructing and monitoring competent surveyors as needed  
Deal with local Authorities

Clean up  

Design clean up plan, obtaining necessary approval from competent Authorities  
Hire, instruct competent clean up contractors, and monitor their performance on site  
Direct and manage clean up effort on site (Clean Up Master, Beach Master)  
Process invoices and bills and process payments

Vessel Arrest or threat thereof  

Ascertain circumstances of the arrest or threat thereof  
Negotiate nature and amount of security  
Issue LOUs on P&I underwriters' behalf and authority  
Assist in setting up other types of security  
Assist in satisfying other demands from claimants (documents, statements, surveys, etc.)  
Instruct, monitor and assist competent lawyers as needed

2. Claims Management:

Out of Court

Act as Focal Point for claims submission  
Claim inventorying, indexing and reporting  
Claim analysis  
Propose strategy to handle claim  
Reject claims or negotiate settlement  
Arrange settlement & obtain relevant releases

In Court 

Ascertain circumstances of the legal action  
Attempt to stay proceedings and continue handling amicably  
Instruct and monitor competent lawyers as necessary  
Assist appointed lawyers with facts and technical advice  
Monitoring legal proceedings  
Assist with settlement payments

3. Recovery Actions:

Identify possible liable third parties  
Recommend steps to protect recovery actions  
Assist in conducting recovery actions in China